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Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo No.2 College)
Homework Policy

Homework is an important component of the learning process and has always been an area of concern of the educators and parents. Homework is the out-of class tasks that a student is assigned as an extension of classroom work. The three main types of homework are (non-exhaustive):


Practice exercises– providing students with the opportunities to review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills, including:

  • consolidation exercise e.g. math tables, concept maps

  • mastery exercises e.g. writing

  • revision exercises e.g. revisiting concepts and skills taught in class


Preparatory homework – providing opportunities for students to gain background information so that they are better prepared for future lessons, including:

  • background reading e.g. reading on the topic to be covered, researching on a topic

  • preparatory reading e.g. English text for class discussion / debate


Extension assignments– encouraging students to pursue knowledge individually, including:

  • creation task e.g. an art work

  • investigation tasks e.g. science

  • research tasks e.g. using a computer to find material on the Internet

  • reflection task e.g. reflection and discussion on blogs and forums

Purpose of Homework

  • Allows for practising, extending and consolidating work done in class

  • Provide feedback on students’ learning

  • Provides students opportunities for self-management

  • Establishes habits of study and self-discipline

  • Provides parents with insights into what is being taught in the classroom and the progress of their children

Setting Meaningful Homework

It is the quality rather than the quantity of homework that matters. An appropriate amount of meaningful homework should be assigned to motivate students to learn. In addition, students should be given sufficient time so that they are willing to complete their homework. In setting meaningful homework, the following should be taken into account:

  • Well-defined goals

  • Strengthening reading

  • Diversification

  • Thinking and collaboration skills

  • Relevance to daily life

  • Using learning resources

  • Flexibility and tailor-made materials

  • Meaningful and appropriate amount of recitation

  • Adjustment in learning progress

Students are expected to:

  • be aware of the importance of homework

  • record the homework assigned in their Student Homework Diary

  • complete homework within the given time frame

  • seek assistance from teachers and parents when difficulties arise

  • organize their time to ensure that sufficient time is given to quality homework within set deadlines

Parents can assist by:

  • ensuring that there is time set aside for homework

  • encouraging and supporting students to complete homework

  • checking their children’s Student Homework Diary for homework that has been assigned to their children

  • monitoring homework by signing completed work

  • communicating with teachers any concerns about the nature of homework and their children’s approach to the homework

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